Thursday, March 25, 2010

Truce with Life....

Have been struggling with this idea for a long time.......Why are the simple things in life which we want the most and so easily can have/pursue still so superficially elusive from us?

We want to visit a particular place, but we shoot it down once the planning and financing of a trip comes to the table. We want a new TV, or any latest gadget but we’d rather put that thought away in favor of saving today for a better tomorrow. I know most of it is common consumer behavior, especially with durable goods…………but what about the other precious things in life? Why have we adopted the same strategy when we think about meeting people, spending a few precious moments with them or just a silent togetherness which is undoubtedly irreplaceable? Why has our society imposed on each and every one of us this judgment criterion which is common across all entities and so is a true farce in itself?

Too many questions……with very limited answers. I struggle with similar choices every day, not sure if others encounter it as often. Although the best answer is to give up thinking and just get through the day, for when the night sets in you forget it all and doze off dreaming. There is still some value in thinking about it and trying to understand why we are how we are….and what does that imply on our lives eventually when we turn and look back towards the end. I have been made to realize multiple times that time in itself is the hardest test we’ll ever take and people who do well in it, are the ones who know what they (themselves) really want in that moment and not what others want from them.

A typical phase is where I am in life currently, while I was in India for a long time I never had many reasons to stay put and build something valuable there. So I came half way across the globe only to realize that now I have stronger connections than ever which are pulling me back. Since there are other dynamics and choices in play, I am avoiding the process of making this choice for now…..just like I explained in the last paragraph. I wish I could take a stance, just think clearly about what I want and then do it irrespective of what comes next as its repercussion……………for life is made of the moments we live now and not of the moments we plan to live tomorrow.