'How do we look back at what has gone by in our lives? How do we perceive the past?'
They say looking back is important, for reflection and retrospection. When I look back today on what has gone by and what I have done so far...or in other words lived so far, life seems to have been a mixed bag of all possible colors.
A chill runs does my spine when I look back at my professional life. It can only be summed up as a sketchy effort all along, be it for any important examination or any competition that I appeared for. Even when I was prepared for the test of the blade, all I could ever manage was a close shave but never a clean one :-) Sometimes my luck failed me, and most of the times I helped myself.
Anyway, lets skip the hollering and come to the summarization of what has been good!!......I have been blessed with the most supportive parents who have never let their expectations burden my performance, the combination becomes deadly when paired with a bunch of helpful and generous brothers and sisters. But I have to confess that the friends that I found on various stages of my life have played a formidable role in helping me through those tough times and building character. My school gang, who have been 'THE' sources of inspiration and camaraderie right from my junior years till date.
I was nearly kicked out of my college for being lost in a separate world all the time; all was lost until I bumpd into my 'to be' gang at college who redefined the term 'sincerity' to me and took me on a journey of hard work and dedication. The circle of friends at HBTI has been the 'I Ching' of my life. In fact the list is endless if I start naming people from my college days who left a mark on my character, taught me the ups and downs and the realities of life.......people like Safaya need no mention, their pure hearts need no assurance.
Lets come back to the critical point then.......how do we look back at what has gone by in our lives? Do we accept it as our fate, the good and the bad and keep moving; or should we take it all as preparation for .... the final encounter!..the crown of all hurdles!....the master of all chances!.....which, some say, comes only once in a lifetime. Most of us abstain from that chance either due to the fear of failure or else we venture and fail as we did not take a lesson from what we've been through.........